  1.  G. Comte, Sur les hypothèses du théorème de Sard pour le lieu critique de rang zéro, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 323  no. 2 (1996), 143-146            
  2.  G. Comte, Multiplicity of complex analytic sets and bi-Lipschitz maps, Real analytic and algebraic singularities (Nagoya/Sapporo/Hachioji, 1996),182-188, Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser., 381, Longman, Harlow (1998)
  3. G. Comte, Formule de Cauchy-Crofton pour la densité des ensembles sous-analytiques, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 328 no. 6 (1999),  505-508
  4. G. Comte, J.-M. Lion & J.-P. Rolin, Nature log-analytique du volume des sous-analytiques, Illinois  J. Math. 44 (2000), no. 4, 884-88                                
  5. G. Comte, Équisingularité réelle, nombres de Lelong et images polaires, Ann. Sci. École  Norm. Sup. (4) 33 (2000), no. 6, 757-788
  6. G. Comte, P. Milman & D. Trotman, On Zariski's multiplicity problem, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130  no. 7 (2002), 2045-2048
  7. G. Comte & Y. Yomdin, Springer LNM 1834, (2004), Tame Geometry with Application in Smooth Analysis
  8. L. Alberti, G. Comte & B. Mourrain, Meshing implicit algebraic surfaces : the smooth caseMathematical methods for curves and surfacesTromsø 2004, 11-26, Mod. Methods Math., Nashboro Press, Brentwood, TN, (2005)
  9. G. Comte, Entropy and quantitative transversalityEncyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, Academic Press (2006) p. 237-242,
  10. G. Comte & M. Merle (Appendice with P. Graftieaux, Équisingularité réelle II : Invariants locaux et Conditions de Régularité, Ann. Sci. École  Norm. Sup. série 4, (41), fascicule 2 (2008), 221-269  Slides of a talk
  11. G. Comte, Jacques Herbrand (1908-1931)Gaz. Math. no 118 (2008)
  12. L. Alberti, G. Comte & B. Mourrain, Meshing real algebraic sets with singularities
  13. G. Comte & Y. Yomdin, Rotation of trajectories of Lipschitz vector fields, J. Diff. Geom. Volume 81, Number 3 (2009), 601-630      Slides of a talk
  14. R. Cluckers, G. Comte & F. Loeser, Lipschitz continuity properties for p-adic semi-algebraic and subanalytic functions, Geom. Funct. Anal. 20 (2010), 68-87
  15. R. Cluckers, G. Comte & F. Loeser,  Local metric properties and regular stratifications of p-adic definable sets, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 87 no 4, (2012), 963-1009
  16. G. Comte & G. Fichou,  Grothendieck ring of semialgebraic formulas and motivic real Milnor fibers, Geometry & topology 18 (2014), 963-996     Slides of a talk
  17. G. Comte, Deformation of singularities and additive invariants, Journal of Singularities, Volume 13 (2015), 11-41
  18. R. Cluckers, G. Comte & F. Loeser, Non archimedean Yomdin-Gromov parametrizations and points of bounded height, Forum of Mathematics, Pi (2015), Vol. 3, e5, 60 pages
  19. G. Comte & C. Miller, Points of bounded height on oscillatory sets, Quart. J. Math 68 (2017), 1261-1287,  Slides of a talk
  20. R. Cluckers, G. Comte, D. J. Miller, J. P. Rolin & T. Servi, Integration of oscillatory and subanalytic functions, Duke Math. J. 167 (2018) no. 7, 1239-1309, arXivSlides of a talkVideo Conference (Mini-workshop on transseries and dynamical systems, Fields Institute, May 2022)
  21. G. Comte & Y. Yomdin, Zeroes and rational points of analytic functions, arXiv, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 68 (2018) no.6, 2445-2476   Slides of a talk Slides of a talk Video Conference (O-minimality and Diophantine Applications, Fields Institute, June 2017)
  22. G. Comte & I. Halupczok, Motivic Vitushkin invariants, arXiv 
  23. R. Cluckers, G. Comte, J.-P. Rolin & T. Servi, Mellin transforms of power constructible functions, arXiv 
  24. R. Cluckers, G. Comte & T. Servi, Parametric Fourier and Mellin transforms of power constructible functions, arXiv  
